Main Banner of the West Carleton Legion


Ladies Auxiliary

The Royal Canadian Legion Ladies' Auxiliary is comprised of mothers, wives, daughters, step-daughters, nieces, sisters, granddaughters, great granddaughters and

L.A. Executive

President: Sheila Masson

1st Vice: Harriet Farrell
2nd Vice: Denise Lyttle
Secretary: Arleen Morrow
Treasurer: Sheila Masson
Sports Officer: Harriet Farrell
Membership: Anita Kamps

Ladies Auxiliary Meeting
Every 1st Monday: 7:00 pm.
Next L.A. meeting – Monday, September 11, 2023, 7:00 pm.

Joint Meeting of Branch & L.A
3rd Monday of February & August
: 7:00 pm

 widows of Legion members. In some Commands, membership is also open to women in the community.

Many branches have Auxiliaries which come under the jurisdiction of the Branch. Major contributors to the day-to-day life of the branch, Auxiliaries provide financial and volunteer support to Legion programs.

Any woman who is eligible for membership in the Legion may choose to become a member of the Ladies Auxiliary only, or a member of both.

Members of the Ladies Auxiliary support the aims and objects of The Royal Canadian Legion and their dedicated service enriches the programs and activities of the branch.

Branch 616 sends out a big THANK YOU to the Ladies of the Auxiliary
who managed the July 13 Barbecue
(l-r) Donna Flieler, Joan Mc Ternan, Deb Wilson, Lynn Wilson,
Michelle Bainbridge, Donna Keays, Arleen Morrow

Very well done Girls !!


Ladies Auxiliary (LA) 2022, Ladies' darts team event Champions, held at the Almonte Legion.
(Donna, Harriet, Heidi, and Denise)


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